Sunday, November 21, 2010

INCREASE: Preparation, Possession, Perpetuation

Excerpts from NKUPC Prayer Fest 2010
Trevor S. Ferguson


Why Increase?
  • Many individuals and churches have seen limited growth in last few years. This has be due to many challenges: limited confidence, limited faith, limited finances, limited commitment, limited competence
  • The year 2010 starts upon the platform of the efforts and sacrifices of 2009. The church of God and its members must move FORWARD. Only one direction is acceptable and that is UP. This is the time for our INCREASE

The Strategy
It is pointless to just talk and shout about INCREASE. If talk is all we do then we will not get very far. We must approach this with PURPOSEFUL INTENT. Increase will not come by accident. Hence the sub-themes: preparation, possession, and perpetuation

Some aspects of preparation can be seen by reflecting on Isaiah 54:2
  1. Enlarge the place of your tent -  Create extra space – mental and physical; remove the limits off your concept of God’s blessing
  2. Stretch your curtains – make the new space habitable and comfortable
  3. Lengthen thy cords – ensure your support systems can handle the increased capacity – train leaders, workers, ministers, counselors
  4. Strengthen thy stakes – get deeper in God – shallow stakes can’t  support a big tent so we will need to get closer to God – more prayer, more fasting more study of the word

Below are some definitions to help us understand the concepts so that we all may see where God is leading.

INCREASE (Webster’s Dictionary): To become progressively greater (as in size, amount, number, or intensity); to multiply by the production of young; to make greater; to augment
PREPARATION: The action or process of making something ready for use or service or of getting ready for some occasion, test, or duty

POSSESSION: The act of having or taking into control; Control or occupancy of property without regard to ownership; ownership - something owned, occupied, or controlled

PERPETUATION: To make perpetual or cause to last indefinitely; cause to continue indefinitely (Oxford); to preserve from extinction or oblivion (; to prolong the existence of; cause to be remembered (

In addition to Isaiah 54 the following scriptures will help us understand the concept of INCREASE
Luke 17:3-6 (focus vs 5-6)
·         And the apostles said unto the Lord, INCREASE our faith.  And the Lord said, If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you.
Isaiah 9:6 - 7
·         Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 
·         Isa 9:7 Of the INCREASE of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
Isaiah 30:20- 26 (focus vs. 23)
·         Isa 30:23 Then shall he give the rain of thy seed, that thou shalt sow the ground withal; and bread of the INCREASE of the earth, and it shall be fat and plenteous: in that day shall thy cattle feed in large pastures. 

1st Corinthians 3:6 -7
 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the INCREASE.  So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the INCREASE.

The following quotation from New International Encyclopedia of Bible Words article on  GROW / INCREASE is illustrative:

“But Christian growth is not automatic. The NT makes it clear that we need to feed on the Word of God (1 Pe 2:2; Heb 5:11-14). We need to root ourselves deeply in the shared life of the believing community (Eph 3:17-19; 4:13-16). We are also called on to make personal choices that will facilitate our growth (Heb 5:14; cf. 2 Co 9:6-11). God is deeply involved in the process of our growth, and he has ordained its direction. Moreover, he has given us the privilege of cooperating with him as he works within us.

Let us commit ourselves to prepare for, possess and perpetuate the INCREASE!!!

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