Saturday, September 18, 2010

Does Serving God Guarantee Prosperity?

Trevor S. Ferguson
September 18, 2010

Does serving God guarantee worldly prosperity?

The short answer to this question is NO! But then comes all the other questions: Why? Why not? Does it pay to put all that effort into serving God?

Understanding this requires that we separate ourselves from the common world view of prosperity.

Paul instructs us that if we have food and clothing we should be content! God does promise that he will supply all or needs. So the person who is serving God should have adequate food, clothing and a place to live. This may not be good enough by the world's standards but this is the the base that God guarantees. With these basic / physiological needs met we should be content! More is possible and I would say quite likely, but it is not guaranteed. We note that many of God's leading servants had great wealth, e.g. Job and Abraham, but many others did not. John the Baptist, for example, lived in the desert with clothing made of camel's hair and ate locust and wild honey. He had food, clothing and a place to live! We have no indication that he was unhappy! Elijah while in the desert was fed by ravens and then by a widow. Again he had food clothing and a place to live! By and large he was happy.

The question we should then ask is whether the person who is serving God but lacks earthly goods is happy and content in their situation. The second question is whether they are walking in purpose and using the things that God had provided for them. God has promised to provide our basic needs. The rest is dependent on our circumstances and our efforts. If we make use of all the opportunities God sends our way we will have good success. Sometimes our circumstances may make this difficult, but God will bless our efforts.

If persons however are content with food, shelter and clothing, let us not seek to apply the world's standards and begin to think that God is not blessing them. Some of these persons have far greater peace that many with wealth!

(Note that this post is a response to a comment on the reflected "REASONS TO SERVE THE LORD" posted on July 1, 2010. You can see the original post here:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Pround and divinely inspired response. I never viewed this subject in the way that you addressed it. Thanks for the insight.
