Saturday, September 18, 2010

Spiritual Rest : Response to a Question

Trevor S. Ferguson
September 18, 2010

Spiritual rest refers to the inner peace we have from knowing our sins are forgiven and that we are in a right relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a rest from sin (the compulsion to sin, the domination of the sinful nature).

When we receive the new birth experience we enter into that spiritual rest. We may be still physically stressed, this we will have to work out by proper life planning and stress management.

Sometimes as Christians we may lack the inner peace that comes from spiritual rest. This may be because we have not maintained our relationship with Christ or that we have failed to recognize the fact we have been forgiven of our sins. When we find ourselves in this situation we must check to ensure that there are no unconfessed sins in our life and that we are accepting Christ's forgiveness for all the sins we have committed in the past. This should bring us inner peace.

It is also important that we do not spend time worrying about the cares of this life. This is in fact disobedience to Jesus' expressed commands and will certainly rob us of inner peace.

If we have received the new birth and are living by the words of God we should be having spiritual rest!

(Note that this is a response to a question to the Reflection "SPIRITUAL REST" posted on August 23, 2010; You can see the original post here:

1 comment:

  1. Spiritual rest hmmmm! is that possible on earth? Isn't worry and stress a natural tendency in humans? It's like we are on a roller coaster riding high free from stress and worry and then low in despair and wondering where is God. Even Job at some point wondered what God was up to during his time of trouble.
